• by Sam Wymer

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our latest product, The AB Mask Plus - a new, reusable antiviral mask, proven to reduce tested viruses on the material surface by over 99% in just two hours.

The AB Mask Plus follows on from its popular predecessor, created pre-COVID-19 to help clinically vulnerable people attend hospital appointments safely. Inspired by Production Manager Aden, who suffers from Cystic Fibrosis, the AB mask was helping keep people safe before masks became everyday wear for the nation. 

The new AB Mask Plus comprises seven layers, with two layers of antiviral protected fabric and a five layer replaceable filter. The antiviral protection comes from a specially developed coating used, called Polygiene® ViralOff®, which is applied to breathable soft fabric that is washable. It has Bacterial Filter Efficiency >98% tested in accordance with EN14683:2019. Each filter should be effective for up to 40 hours of use, however, filter longevity depends on the intensity of the particulate matter in the environment. We recommend that the filter is replaced at the time of washing the mask or before if it becomes harder to draw breath.  It has been tested on a number of respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-2 and while it cannot promise immunity, owing to the variety of ways these viruses can be transmitted, it can deliver a crucial reduction in viral load. 

As COVID-19 restrictions continue to impact daily life, mask wearing is here to stay and much like with its other health and eye-care products, our team is seeking to make life that bit easier! 

Production Manager and inspiration behind the original masks, Aden said: “AB Mask Plus is a timely and exciting addition to our product range and one I know will give people with health conditions like me, and now the wider public, a sense of greater confidence when wearing a mask.

“The fact that it can be washed and reused also helps mitigate the impact of mask wearing on the environment, another huge plus as we enter into a future that is likely to involve masks to some degree for months and possibly years to come.”

Check out the AB Mask Plus here. 

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